Rules & Regulations
Please see the attached pdf to review NorthShore Unlimited’s house rules: Here
Deposit system:
Each team is required to pay a $100 fine deposit, which is rolled into league fee payments for the season. The remaining balance of the fine deposit will be returned to the team at the year end banquet.
If a team exceeds the fine deposit total, they will be required to pay an additional $50 fine deposit due at the next installment.
If it is after the final installment, they will be required to pay the outstanding fine balance before they receive tournament winnings or banquet tickets.
Fineable offences & dollar amounts:
- $25 fine for failure to supply an ump at a tournament game/playoff game
- $50 fine for dropping out of a tournament after the deadline. The tournament deadline is the tournament draw (no fine for dropping out before the draw)
- $50 fine for forfeiting a regular season game after the 1pm deadline of day of game. Possible discipline after three (3) forfeited regular season games.
SPN Rule Book
For the Current Slo-Pitch National Rule book please follow the link below.
Bat Regulations
All bats are considered to be “within regulations” if the bat possesses the visual symbols below: